over 5 years ago
– Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 01:36:40 AM
Happy Friday!
We got some samples from the manufacturer and wanted to share!
There is a lot to be excited about, but we still have quite a bit of tweaking to do. Overall, though, we are definitely seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and can't wait to get the mass production underway.
We hope you are liking what you are seeing, because if you aren't, well... :)
Have a great weekend!
- The Certifiable Team
over 5 years ago
– Tue, Jul 02, 2019 at 02:55:24 AM
Happy July, everyone!
So, in addition to packaging the booster in a fancy foil that you can rip open and throw away, we are also putting the Kraken Crew and Eaters of the Dead hero standees and cards in fancy foil packs as well. But don't worry, Jesse is working extra hard to make them nice and pretty for your garbage can.
To be perfectly clear, the Kraken Crew and Eaters of the Dead hero packs come with the dice some of you already ordered. This isn't another money grab for another booster. Don't worry, we will continue to be painfully blunt about our money grabs. This isn't one of them. If it was a money grab and we wanted you to add the dice to your order, we would say something akin to them being $16 and you should e-mail [email protected] to add them. But that's not what we are doing here.
And as Jesse mentioned, we are being more proactive about posting our videos on YouTube and Facebook, but sometimes they need to be shared with the people that actually!
For those of you that don't have time or want to watch the video, all you really need to know is Brent is still under the impression you care about the players manual that he's been working on for over a year. :)
For other Certifiable news, please like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Have a great week!
-the Certifiable team
Wood You Like to See a Slaythrough?
over 5 years ago
– Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 03:14:26 AM
“Hey, Certifia-dudes! Any chance for a D6 playthrough soon?”
- Cheryl Westhauer, 52
“Sure would love to see some more gameplay footage of D6. The best time would have been yesterday. The second-best time is now. Don’t be third-best, OR I’LL TELL ALL MY FRIENDS AND MY MOM AND ALSO ALL OF HER FRIENDS!!!”
- Monte Mcpimplebutt, 41
“Doc says I only have six weeks to live. I know I’ll never get to play the game, but just seeing OTHER people play the game will brighten my day enough for me to forget--if only for a little while--the hellish pain this extremely rare toenail cancer brings to every moment of my waking life. Oh, and my oncologist wanted me to ask y'all for an autograph if you have time. (He suggested mailing it to his address in case he was overly optimistic with my prognosis.) Thanks! You guys are the best!
- T.R. Billings, 22
As you can see, we’ve had quite a few requests for additional gameplay footage of D6 lately. Well, you spoke and we listened! (We’re nothing if not a company of the people.)
We got Jesse and Brent to step away from working on D6 long enough to actually play a few rounds. It was a nice breather for the guys. Brent got to spend some time enjoying the game instead of trying to figure out how to keep all you fine folks from accidentally breaking it. And Jesse got to spend some time basking in the warm glow of his game-making accomplishments. (If there’s one thing the man enjoys, it’s a good accomplishment tan.)
We’d ask you to share your thoughts in the comments, but we know you’re going to do that anyway. We wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, it ain’t easy to be a company of the people without the people.
- The Team at Certifiable
over 5 years ago
– Sat, May 25, 2019 at 03:02:27 AM
We got a package from our manufacturer, so no better time to do an update!
To be clear, these miniatures are simply the 3D prints of our files from which the actual molds will be made, so all final colors will still match the campaign page. After we shot the video, the guys more carefully inspected everything and are generally very happy. There are a few questions/requests we have for the manufacturer concerning the collector's coins, but even those are minor, so we are in a very good place.
Also, as Jesse mentioned, the image below is more indicative of the Players Manual cover for D6. As you may remember, the image we shared during the campaign was intended to pay homage to the original cover we remember as kids, but Wizards of the Coast requested we use a new image. After we begged and groveled with no success, we recognized our D6 was no match for their D100, so new art it is. The cover is still considered a work-in-progress until we submit the final print file to the manufacturer, but wanted to share.
In some not so happy news as we enter this Memorial Day weekend (for those in the United States)...
As we pay our respects to our beloved Clawdius Maximus, we seek to celebrate him by adding yet another card to the suddenly not quite as ridiculously useless booster pack we've been shamelessly pushing. As mentioned, the Clawdius Maximus advantage card is already in everyone's base game, but this new card is the Clawdius Maximus Shield and will be included in the Booster Pack. If you already bought it, you now have this extra card and can simply wish Clawdius farewell. If you haven't purchased the booster and would like to, you can still e-mail [email protected] and we'll add it to your order. This goes for the coins, puzzles or other useless stuff, too. The booster is $11 and the collector's coins are $12 each. As we've said before, these are still completely unnecessary, but are available for those of you that simply don't know what to do with all that extra money you have. [email protected]
Have a great weekend!
-The Certifiable team
over 5 years ago
– Fri, May 17, 2019 at 01:27:36 AM
Another update already? Guess so.
So...for those of you that already ordered the booster, you will get the completely inappropriate hero in your already completely unnecessary booster and are all set. For those of you that still want to add the booster (or anything else) to your order, please e-mail [email protected].
We actually had quite a few of you that opted to order the booster using the preorder link on the KS page. Whereas technically that will still do the trick, it creates a completely separate order for you which adds $10 shipping that you really don't need to be paying. If you already have an order for D6, please e-mail any change requests to [email protected] to avoid extra shipping fees. For those of you that did order this way, don't fret, I've combined your orders and removed the extra shipping but wanted to make sure we were clear moving forward. If you have other additional items you'd like to add or upgrade, please use the same e-mail as above.
Tired of throwing money at us, but still can't get enough heroes in your life? Here is the link for the Mortal Kombat freebies to print yourself.
Speaking of free, some of you questioned how to order the great inserts Anthony made and shared in the last update, but that isn't necessary either. Each game comes with the inserts, so nothing more to do other than wait.
Have a great rest of your week!
- The Certifiable Team