
D6: Dungeons, Dudes, Dames, Danger, Dice and Dragons!

Created by Certifiable Studios

Dungeons, Dudes, Dames, Danger, Dice and Dragons! Play the game where you play the role of a player playing a role-playing game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 6 years ago – Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 08:31:36 PM

Hello once again, beloved backers! We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s jump right into it…

How-To Video and Full Playthrough

You’ve asked for it (and asked for it...and asked for it), and it’s finally her. Jesse and Anthony played through a round of D6, and the video is now posted to the campaign page.

There may be a few of you saying, “Sure, a round is better than nothing, but GIVE US A FULL PLAYTHROUGH!” (You know who you are.) No worries—we’ve got your back. We had some folks over to the office to play the game, and here’s a link to their game.

Facebook Contest

We held a contest on Facebook to see who could write the best DM Intervention card, and y’all showed up and showed out. After combing through some really good entries, and we’ve narrowed it down to five honorable mentions and three winners. All eight of you will have your cards featured in the book (with some edits at our discretion), and the winners will each have a Certifiable dice cup added to your D6 shipment.

Winners (in alphabetical order): 

  • Katia Howatson 
  • Rob Lamerton
  • Kyle Meller

Honorable Mentions (in alphabetical order): 

  • Kristof Brodeoux
  • Ivan Crojach Karacic
  • Dave MacDonald
  • Devon Winnstrom
  • Chriss Zamora

Mystery Hero

Paul Milligan was the (un)lucky bastard who managed to snag Rick’s hero out from under him last week. He chose to combine elements of Endangered Orphans, Stuffed, and Who Goes There? to create The Orphan. Kudos, Paul! Also...Rick hates you.

Social Stretch Goals

You’re getting closer by the day to unlocking the Cleric class. As of this writing the standings in our social stretch goal tally are: 

Kind Acts Toward Animals: 43

Kind Acts Toward Children: 34 

Thanks to those of you who have donated of your time, talent, and resources. We now entrust you with a new task: Pester the crap out of everybody else so we can unlock these bad boys.

Kickstarter Live

We’ll be hosting a Kickstarter Live at 6:00 pm CDT this Friday, October 26th. This is your chance to tell us how amazing you think we are. Go ahead...don’t hold anything back. We can take all the adulation and praise you can dish out.

Gather Boards

Some of you overachievers out there have been clamoring for extra gather boards so you can up the number of players for D6. We may or may not be releasing them for individual purchase, but one thing’s for sure: We in no way endorse playing the game with more than four players. Trust us: We’re not trying to be spoilsports. We just have this kooky notion that the game should be fun, and playing with more than the recommended number of players makes it...the opposite of that.

Curse Castles

What’s an epic adventure without a cursed castle? You'll never know...because your adventure now has them!

Each expansion pack now comes with four (one each for up to four players) castles/curses to help customize the game. Players take turns choosing where to place their curse (or blessing, in some cases) on the map and deciding what that curse/blessing is.

For instance, you can:

  • place your curse marker in the Harbor and give all monsters in the space a +1 to their attack rolls. 
  • give all heroes a +1 to their attack rolls.
  • give +1 to any glory points gained in that area.
  • give +1 to any gold gained in the area.
  • give +1 to any D20 rolled, any monster pod attack.
  • If you can imagine it, you can do it. (You are the DM, after all!)

Players certainly don’t have to add these castles to their game; they simply provide a way to help make it their own.

That’s all for now, Certifia-peeps. Time to crawl back into our work-holes and draw/sculpt/write/edit ourselves into a frothy gumbo of elation, resentment, and delirium!

-The Certifiable Team

about 6 years ago – Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 05:02:43 PM

Hello backers!

We hope you are prepared, because we are about to cover more territory in this update than a runaway Hellhound.

Hero Swapping

We were approached by the creators of The Stonebound Saga about adding one of our characters into their game (The Stonebound Saga: Visions of Telios), as well as adding one of theirs into our game. We knew that Hero Swap skill would come in handy. We are big fans of their art, so when we were approached with this collaboration, we jumped at the chance.

We are proud to introduce Isabelle from the Stonebound Saga. Everyone will be receiving this character in their game.

Here is Sister Marietta, the character that will be joining The Stonebound Saga. Go check out their campaign to see how she fits into the game.

Design A Hero

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow at 10 am CDT is your chance to be unfriendly to Rick. Hopefully someone snags up the last Design A Hero slot so we don't have to bear witness to whatever atrocity Rick would have Jesse design. Please help us stop Rick!

How-To-Play Videos

We know you have all been waiting patiently for the next two instructional videos. Well, the wait is finally over. We will have both videos posted before we leave the office today...or tonight...late tonight...very late tonight. 

Facebook Contest 

For those of you who are not aware, we do have a contest on our Facebook page. Give us your best DM Intervention "fill in the blank" story. We'll pick our favorites and add them to the game. Three lucky winners will also receive a Certifiable dice cup. Submit your entry in the comment section of this post.

Kickstarters We Find Interesting

about 6 years ago – Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 11:25:52 PM

We have some amazing backers who have thrown their support behind D6. Now we’re asking you to show some love to those who could use it even more. For those who are familiar with our previous campaigns, you know what that means: time for some Social Sugar Goats (stretch goals)!

There are three ways to help us help you by hitting these goals. Don’t think of them as “choices” or “options,” though—why not go ahead and do all three?

1) Do something nice for animals. 

You can donate time, money, or resources to an animal shelter or wildlife organization, “adopt” an endangered animal, or whatever else your generous, critter-lovin’ heart desires. Both the type and amount of your contribution are completely up to you.

At some point while performing your act of service, snap a photo of yourself with this proof-of-kindness graphic. You can print out the image or get someone to take a pic with you holding it on your phone. However you do it is fine as long as you post your pic in a comment on this Facebook post. (If you don’t use Facebook, no worries; just email your proof-of-kindness pic to Rick Moore at [email protected].)

2) Do something nice for children. 

Again, it’s helper’s choice here. You can donate money to a children’s hospital or a children’s home, volunteer as a tutor...whatever you want as long as it directly benefits children.

Same deal with the proof-of-kindness graphic and Facebook post. (See #1.)

3) Share even more love for D6. 

This one does require a Facebook account. Simply share this post. Doesn’t get much easier than that, folks.

Now that we've taken care of the “social” aspect, it’s time to explain the “stretch goal” part….

50 (verifiable) good deeds for children = one new Cleric hero unlocked

50 (verifiable) good deeds for animals = one new Cleric hero unlocked

50 shares of our D6 post = one new Cleric hero unlocked

For anyone tempted to take a shortcut and think, “Okay, cool—I’ll just take care of a whole category by donating $1 to my local animal shelter...50 times.” Nope. We need 50 separate backers for each category. The same backer can qualify in multiple categories, but not more than once in the same category.

At this point, you’re probably asking, “But what happens if we reach all three stretch goals? Surely you’re going to give us more, right? More, more, moooore!!” (We know how you are.)

Some of you have asked for it...a few of you have demanded it...and one or two of you have offered to trade your firstborn for it. (Nice try, but the nursery is currently full from previous campaigns.) If all three social stretch goals are reached, you’ll unlock a whole new hero class for the game! (Hint: It’s the Cleric.)

And if there are any concerns about us putting our money where our mouth is on the charitable acts front, allow us to alleviate them. We'll be doing our part for the kids and animals, too, and we'll share those pics in the Facebook post. Heck, we may even apply our efforts to those totals so you won't have to quite hit 50. (We want the Cleric class just as much as you do.) 

Now go do some good, you good-doing do-gooders!

Oh! And one more thing before we sign off. Remember: The next custom hero card is up for grabs tomorrow! The same (Un)lucky Bastard tier will open back up for one more backer at 3:00am CDT on Friday. (Same tier, but the limit increases to two.) If you want to disappoint Anthony by snatching his custom-designed card out from under him, have your wallet and your clickin' finger at the ready!

Until next time!

- The Team at Certifiable

over 6 years ago – Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 10:26:56 AM

It has been another good week for D6, and we owe a big thanks to all of you for supporting us.

Design A Hero

Congratulations to Pauline for snagging the second "Design A Hero" tier and also for designing a pretty awesome character (with a little help from Jesse).

So, that leaves just one more slot for the "Design A Hero" tier. Anyone interested in getting this last character will need to be ready on Friday, Oct. 19 at 10AM CDT. Who is going to get the last one?

Social Stretch Goals

Everyone has been doing a great job helping to unlock the Social Stretch Goals. We are getting very close to the halfway point. 

As of this update, we have 20 acts of kindness for animals and 16 acts of kindness for children. We don't even need to mention the Facebook post that needed to be shared. You all blew that one out of the water on the first day!

And if helping animals and children isn't a good enough reason to reach these Social Stretch Goals, then consider all the extra money you will make Rick have to spend on that extra class. That would definitely motivate us at least! 

When you donate, make sure and post your proof in the comments HERE.


We have received a lot of questions from backers who are wanting to know if we will be going to Essen this year. A month ago the answer would have been yes. But unfortunately due to a few unavoidable factors, we will not be going to Essen this year. We are all a little disappointed with having to make that decision. There is still good news. All that means is, we will now be able to focus our efforts on D6.

PAX Unplugged

We may not be going to Essen, but we will have a booth at PAX Unplugged this year. The show is November 30 - December 2 in Philadelphia, PA. If you're going to the show be sure to stop by our booth and say hi.

Thank you all again for your continued support. We hope you have a great week.

-The Certifiable Team

over 6 years ago – Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 08:37:53 AM

In all our excitement to post the last update introducing our new hero, we left a pretty important piece out in the cold!  Rick will try to blame it on pain meds from the surgery he just had on his arm, but the truth is he just screwed up.  Are you really surprised?

 Now, wasn't that worth the wait?

- The Certifiable TeAM